Enterprise Management Incentives

Enterprise Management Incentives

We love EMI and we recommend that it is added to the armoury of all our client companies where we can see that it might be powerful in recruiting, retaining and motivating key personnel. Now is a perfect opportunity to explain why. The Enterprise Management Incentives...
Reform of IR35

Reform of IR35

Contractors operating through your own Personal Service Companies (PSC’s), and all “non-small” corporate Customers who engage such PSC’s, please all take heed. “IR35” is the name given to the longstanding tax law which seeks to identify where apparently...
Buy-to-let properties and CGT

Buy-to-let properties and CGT

CGT on the disposal of buy-to-let residential properties is not always easy to mitigate, but there are things which can be done. Firstly, note that the headline rate of tax on gains arising from disposals of buy-to-let property is 28% (or 18% to the extent that your...
Death and Taxes

Death and Taxes

For our first entry to the Tuesday Tax blog, please allow us to refer, of course, to the “certainties of life”……………