Allow us to help your business run smarter

Spend less time on finances, more time on your business.

Our dedicated Digital Advisory Team, which replaced Flow Online Accounting in 2020, specialises in tailoring cloud-based accounting packages that allow us to continue to offer the full range of accounting and tax services, including bookkeeping, accounts preparation, payroll, VAT and corporate tax returns, via the cloud. By using clever technology, we can offer you these services more efficiently and we can have more meaningful conversations with you about your finances.

We are a Xero Platinum Partner, a title that reflects the depth of technical cloud accounting experience held within our team. In addition to integrating your financial information into Xero/QBO/Freeagent, we can work with you to ensure you are getting the most out of the software – drawing on 24/7 real-time financial information to help you make more informed decisions.

We will match your needs with cutting-edge technology and a dedicated chartered accountant to deliver pro-active management of your finances. Our aim is to take the hassle out of your finances, helping you save time, make money and grow your business. Plus, by reviewing your existing processes and systems, we can help to identify any improvements required.

Whether you require basic implementation, monthly meetings or a fully outsourced finance function – Every solution we recommend is tailored to your precise requirements.

Run your business smarter in 3 easy steps:

Request a digital healthcheck

We’ll conduct a review your existing systems, and then report on any issues / weaknesses found.

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Request solutions

We’ll make recommendations to rectify any weaknesses and meet your business needs, and then implement them with minimal disruption.

Request training and support

To make sure you continue to get the most out of your software, we can provide on-going support and tailored training programmes.

What are the benefits?

We’ve identified 6 key pain points suffered by many SMEs, and use clever technology bolstered by hands-on advice to remedy them.


Are you tired of storing paperwork and entering data?


Are concerns around cashflow keeping you up at night?

Data analytics

Are you getting the most out of your accounting software?

Expense management

Is your company expense process complex and time-consuming?

Managing payments

Does your process for managing payments in and out of your business need streamlining?

Need to outsource

Are you looking to spend more time on your business, knowing your finances are being taken care of?

Frequently asked questions

Why is cloud accounting software different?

Cloud-based software is not stored on a computer hard drive. Instead the software and data are stored in the ‘cloud’. This means it is accessed through an internet browser. Provided you have access to the internet, you will have access to your accounts, anytime, anywhere and from any device.

How will it benefit my business?

Every business is different and will face specific challenges, but fintech is generally designed to automate, streamline, simplify and improve key areas within a business’ finance function. Our goal as advisers is to find where the issues are then recommend and integrate the best solutions. Measurable KPI’s that we would ordinarily look to improve are productivity, data quality, controls, business reporting and cashflow, but there are plenty of other areas we can help depending on your circumstances.

Why should I go to Harold Sharp, rather than direct to the provider?

The art of maximising cloud-based solutions is to devise a package that meets your business need – a package that works well together, is seamlessly integrated, and backed-up by the right training and support. You won’t get that simply by shopping around for the top apps and purchasing licenses. Where our team can really add value is by analysing your current processes, identifying where efficiencies can be made, and tailoring a package that delivers.

What if I have a bespoke Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that won’t integrate?

This is one of the most common barriers we hear of when it comes to considering cloud-based solutions. The truth is, it is possible to integrate, but not many accounting firms have the in-house technical expertise that make it possible. At Harold Sharp, we have a track-record of linking bespoke ERP systems to cloud-based software.

What type of clients do you typically work with on cloud?

The beauty of working with cloud-based systems is that we can help our clients to build something that works for them. As a result, there is no ‘typical client’ – we support sole traders and SMEs right through to multi-nationals.

Is data safe?

With nothing tangible to see when it comes to data storage, it is understandable that those new to cloud accounting may have concerns. However, storing data in the cloud is much safer than storage on a standalone machine. The software providers ensure that data is replicated in multiple data centres and backed up daily.

Is data secure?

Software providers ensure that data is encrypted, and multiple layers of security are in place. These include firewalls, intrusion protection and network segregation. All cloud-based accounting software that we recommend uses industry recognised security safeguards. You can control your own log-in credentials and who has access to your software. Two factor authentication will also prevent unauthorised access.

Is there any training provided?

You won’t be left in the lurch. You will be provided with the necessary onboarding, training and support. This will be tailored to your existing level of experience – whether you are looking to grasp the basics or optimise your existing skill set.

How easy is it to switch to Harold Sharp?

It can be daunting to change your accountant – that’s why we strive to make the process as easy as possible. Give us a call on 0161 905 1616 so that we can access your circumstances and make sure that Harold Sharp is the best service for you. We will then contact your existing accountant for your paperwork and records. They should provide this information within a reasonable time period as outlined by their professional body. In the meantime, we’ll recommend your cloud accounting solution and get you started on some training. We’ll then link your new accounting software with any add-ons that we’ve recommended and ensure that it is fully up-to-date.

Fintech Friday blog

Monthly updates on cloud-based software and fintech

Are you getting paid?

Are you getting paid?

The world is a strange place right now. Things that we worried about only a couple of weeks ago now seem trivial. In the current climate, cashflow...

Are you in the Clouds?

Are you in the Clouds?

It’s not that long ago that the word apple would just conjure up images of a piece of fruit and a cloud was a white fluffy mass suspended in the...

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Find out more about how Harold Sharp works, and how we can help you.